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about me

who is adrielle?

I'm an aspiring UX Designer from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Currently a junior at Bridgewater College, I am majoring in Digital Media Arts
and minoring in Communications. My friends have always complained that I'm
an "overachiever", but I'd say I'm just excited by life and all its possibilites.
From art and design, to coding, to psychology, to you name it, I've always put
110% into everything I do. When I'm not learning something new,
I'm probably hiking, playing with my dog, making artwork, traveling,
or being a goofball with my friends. I've been told being silly
helps with the creative process, so I have completely embraced this quality!

Everything on this website is made with joy, including the website itself!
Made with just 12 weeks of coding experience, I challenged myself to design
something I can be proud of in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
In UX, I have a similar attitude towards figuring out the best compromise
between user engagement and company goals. I love creating,
I love helping wherever I can, and I especially love
learning from and collaborating with my coworkers and friends.
So, in other words, I am super excited to start my career as a UX Designer.